Ban Public
Le portail d’information sur les prisons

Publié le mardi 26 juillet 2005 |

Acknowledgements / Executive Summary 

Table of Contents



Themes Studied
1) Recruit Profile Information
2) Health and Lifestyle
3) Advantages and Disadvantages of Correctional Work
4) Attitudes Towards Correctional Work
5) Attitude Towards Inmates 
6) Support for Rehabilitation 
7) Deterrence 
8) Human Service Orientation 
9) Social desirability 
10) Sources of Motivation for Correctional Work 
12) Correctional Self-Efficacy 
13) The Empathy Scale 
14) Pre/Post Correctional Officer Recruit Perceptions/ Expectations of Training 
15) Pre/Post Credibility 
16) Organizational Commitment 
17) Pre/Post Group Environment Questionnaire 
19) Job Satisfaction 
20) Job Stress 
21) Role Conflict 
22) Supervisory Support 

Participants by Region 

Next Step 

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